Care4You is a trademark of Wellens Guilloux Consult bvba, Spaarstraat 51, 3010 Kessel-Lo
Tel: + 32 (0)16/ 88 40 90
Mobile phone Agnès Guilloux: + 32 (0)489/062 392 – Mobile phone Elke Wellens: + 32 (0)489/062 368
Care4You is a trademark of Wellens Guilloux Consult bvba, Spaarstraat 51, 3010 Kessel-Lo
Tel: + 32 (0)16/ 88 40 90
Mobile phone Agnès Guilloux: + 32 (0)489/062 392 – Mobile phone Elke Wellens: + 32 (0)489/062 368